
Pain Management Specialist

Pain Management Q & A

Pain Management Specialist

What is pain management?

Pain management with the North Houston Pain Center team includes evaluations, diagnoses, and treatments of conditions that cause pain. Your pain management specialist personalizes each treatment to give you the most relief. They recommend conservative solutions whenever possible but also offer surgery.

What are the benefits of pain management?

The benefits you can expect when choosing pain management at the North Houston Pain Center include:

  • Less ongoing pain
  • Improved musculoskeletal function
  • Faster healing after an injury
  • Increased range of motion
  • Better mobility
  • Less stiffness
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved quality of life

Living in constant pain can be hard on your physical and mental health, making simple, everyday tasks unbearable.

What are my pain management treatment choices?

Some of the effective pain management treatments available at the North Houston Pain Center include:

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is a natural pain-relieving treatment that stretches and strengthens tissues, reducing discomfort and your risk of further pain.


Taking oral medicines can reduce inflammation and treat underlying causes of ongoing musculoskeletal discomfort.


The North Houston Pain Center experts offer several injections, including steroid, nerve block, hyaluronic acid. These treatments improve healing and joint lubrication or minimize swelling and discomfort.

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation uses radiofrequency energy and a tiny needle to heat nerves and reduce pain signals to your brain.

Spinal cord stimulation

An implantable spinal cord stimulator emits electrical energy into your spinal cord to reduce pain signals and ongoing discomfort.

Electrical nerve stimulation

Nerve stimulation uses electrodes placed on your skin to emit electrical energy into nerves and reduce pain signals.

Spinal decompression

During spinal decompression, your specialist uses needlelike instruments to remove thickened ligaments and widen spaces in your spinal canal.


If conservative pain management treatments haven’t worked, the North Houston Pain Center team offers surgery to remove, repair, or replace damaged tissues responsible for your discomfort.

Which pain management solutions are best for me?

The right pain management treatment for you depends on the cause of your discomfort, your lifestyle, and your preferences. A team member reviews your medical history and symptoms, checks your vital signs, and completes a physical exam including a neurological exam when necessary.

They might order blood tests, an imaging procedure (X-rays, an MRI, or a CT scan), or nerve testing before personalizing your pain management plan.

Call the office today or use the online scheduler to set up an appointment and learn more about the pain management solutions available at the North Houston Pain Center.